At YALE School Ellisburg Campus, we provide comprehensive educational services for students aged 5 to 21 who have emotional and behavioral difficulties and/or disabilities. Our team of experienced professionals can help those with a variety of clinical diagnoses, including anxiety disorder, A.D.H.D., mood, personality, obsessive-compulsive, and oppositional-defiant disorders, as well as specific learning disabilities. We strive to help students develop effective relationships with peers and adults. Located at Connecticut Avenue and NJ Route 70 in the Ellisburg section of Cherry Hill, we are committed to helping our students reach their full potential.
5 to 21 years
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According to our therapies search website, there are currently 9 companies providing therapy services for children and adolescents in the zip code 8002, 31 in Cherry Hill, NJ, and 738 throughout the entire state of New Jersey.
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