Therapy for Me! is an outpatient developmental and sensory-based pediatric clinic in Eden Prairie, Minnesota providing occupational and speech therapy services. Our staff is licensed by the State of Minnesota Department of Health and the American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA) or National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy (NBCOT). We are committed to the growth of our team members, providing the time and resources for them to complete continuing education and attend conferences. Additionally, our office “Book Club” allows staff to discuss successful pediatric therapy strategies and keep up-to-date on emerging trends.
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There are currently 6 companies in zip code 55344, 8 in Eden Prairie, and 530 throughout Minnesota that offer therapy services for children and adolescents on our therapies search website.
At Therapy For Me, we understand the importance of recognizing if your child needs speech therapy. When considering speech therapy for your child, look for signs such as difficulty responding to questions, initiating conversations, changing conversation topics, using gestures, and understanding body language. Speech therapy is often recommended for autistic children since it is a critical period in the brain for language development. Early intervention for autistic children typically includes speech therapy to help your child learn effective ways to communicate and become more independent and confident. If you notice your child is very quiet, only says a few words, or doesn’t speak at all, our comprehensive guide to speech therapy will help you determine if this is the best option for your family.
At Therapy For Me, our speech therapy professionals can help your child communicate more effectively across all environments. Our speech therapy services can help with nonverbal skills, forming speech in a clearer way, communicating thoughts and feelings, responding to questions, discerning facial expressions and body language, and even stuttering. We strive to ensure that your child can express their thoughts and feelings and understand the responses of others. With our speech therapy, your child can gain the skills and confidence to communicate in a variety of settings.
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