Speech Academy LLC based in Bordentown, NJ specializes in early intervention, Autism, and Apraxia therapy models. Our personalized speech and language programs help our clients overcome a variety of speech and language disorders. We provide oral motor, feeding, and speech sound delays/disorders related to developmental, neurogenic and syndrome disorders. Our goal is to provide excellent service and obtain insurance coverage for our services. We accept most insurances.
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According to our therapies search website, there are 740 companies in New Jersey providing therapy services for children and adolescents. This includes 1 company in zip code 8505 and 1 in Bordentown. This is a great resource for parents and caregivers who need to find quality therapy services for their kids.
At Speech Academy LLC in Bordentown, NJ, we understand how important it is to know if your child needs speech therapy. Our team of experts can help you assess if your child needs speech therapy. Signs that your child might need speech therapy include difficulty responding to questions, initiating or ending conversations, changing topics, using gestures, and understanding others’ body language. Speech therapy is especially important for autistic children as it helps them develop language and communication skills as early as possible. If you are unsure if your child needs speech therapy, Speech Academy LLC can provide you with a complete guide to everything you need to know about speech therapy. Contact us today to learn more.
At Speech Academy LLC in Bordentown, we understand how speech therapy can be beneficial for your child. Our certified speech therapists are dedicated to helping your child improve their communication skills, from verbal speech to nonverbal gestures and signs. We can also help them understand and respond to questions, discern facial expressions, recognize body language, and even improve their feeding and swallowing habits. With the help of Speech Academy LLC, your child can learn the skills they need to communicate more effectively.
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