Special Strong Houston provides science-based, adaptive, and inclusive fitness programs for individuals of all ages with mental, physical and cognitive challenges. Our mission is to foster self-confidence, physical health, and emotional wellbeing through evidence-based fitness and exercise. Our experienced and certified trainers have years of experience in working with clients of all abilities and backgrounds. We strive to provide a safe, supportive environment and to make physical activities accessible and enjoyable for our clients. Our programs are tailored to the individual needs and abilities of each person, and our team is dedicated to helping participants reach their personal goals. We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to achieve their fullest potential, and we are committed to helping our clients reach their highest potential.
8 years and above
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According to our search engine, there are 3 companies providing therapy services for children and adolescents in zip code 77070, 244 in Houston, and 2484 in Texas as a whole. These companies are available to connect individuals with the help they need in order to best support their mental and emotional wellbeing.
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