Solaris Pediatric Therapy is a Houston, Texas-based provider of occupational and physical therapy services, dedicated to helping children develop the skills they need to thrive in everyday life. Led by Yulene Broussard, OTR/L, MS, Solaris Pediatric Therapy hopes to be a source of hope and support for families with children who face mental and physical challenges. With a focus on helping children reach their full potential, Solaris Pediatric Therapy is the right choice for families in the Greater Houston area.
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According to our therapies search website, there are 5 companies with zip code 77006 offering therapy services for children and adolescents, 244 companies in Houston, and 2484 companies in the entire state of Texas.
At Solaris Pediatric Therapy, we understand that it can be difficult to determine if your child needs speech therapy, especially when it comes to autism. Our experienced speech therapists are dedicated to helping your child learn effective ways to communicate and ensure that they reach their full potential. We provide comprehensive guidance on speech therapy, and our team can help you to decide if it is the right option for your child. To learn more about speech therapy for autistic children, visit our website for our complete guide and contact us to schedule an appointment with one of our specialists. With our support, your child can develop language and communication skills that will help them become more independent and confident.
At Solaris Pediatric Therapy, our experienced speech therapists are here to help your child improve their communication skills and reach their full potential. We offer various speech therapy techniques to help your child succeed, including gestures, signs, verbal speech, and Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC). Our speech therapy services can also help with other nonverbal skills, like formulating speech, understanding questions, recognizing facial expressions and body language, and improving feeding and swallowing. Our goal is to ensure your child is able to communicate effectively in all environments.
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