Social Vocational Services, Inc. (SVS) is a California non-profit corporation that specializes in connecting individuals with developmental disabilities to employers in South San Francisco and other community settings. Our mission is to provide employment opportunities and services that meet the needs and interests of a diverse population. Our services focus on helping individuals with developmental disabilities gain meaningful employment and access to the community, while providing employers with the resources to support and develop a diverse workforce. We strive to create an inclusive and supportive environment for individuals with disabilities and their families, and to ensure all individuals have access to the same opportunities, benefits, and support. At SVS, we are committed to helping individuals with disabilities realize their potential, and to make a positive impact on our community.
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According to our therapy search website, there are 5 companies in zip code 94080, 5 in South San Francisco, and 3911 in California that provide therapy services for children and adolescents.
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