Sensational Kidz Therapy is an exclusive pediatric physical therapy practice in Springfield, dedicated to providing exceptional care to children and their families. Our holistic approach to therapy ensures that each child is treated as a whole, not by parts. We offer personalized services designed to meet the individual needs of each child, helping them reach their full potential. Our goal is to provide quality, compassionate care that is tailored to the individual needs of each child in a welcoming environment. We strive to make a positive impact in our community through our commitment to excellence in pediatric physical therapy.
Children to adults
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According to our therapies search website, there are 712 companies that provide therapy services for children and adolescents in Virginia. This includes 3 companies in zip code 22151, 118 in Springfield, and 592 throughout the state.
At Sensational Kidz Therapy, we understand that it can be difficult to know if your child needs speech therapy. It may be obvious if your child struggles with speaking, but there are more subtle signs to consider. Our team of certified speech-language pathologists are highly trained and experienced in diagnosing and treating communication impairments. We provide comprehensive assessments and personalized treatment plans to help your child learn effective ways to communicate. With our complete guide to speech therapy, we can help you determine if your child needs speech therapy and provide them with the tools to grow into more independent and confident individuals. Contact us today to get started!
At Sensational Kidz Therapy in Springfield, we understand how difficult it can be when your child has difficulty communicating. That’s why we provide professional speech therapy services to help your child improve their communication skills. Our speech therapists have the expertise to help your child with nonverbal skills, forming speech in a clear way, communicating thoughts and feelings clearly, understanding and responding to questions, discerning facial expressions and their corresponding emotions, noticing and understanding body language, feeding, and swallowing. Our goal is to help your child communicate effectively with others across all environments, whether through gestures, signs, verbal speech, or Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC). Contact us today to learn how Sensational Kidz Therapy can help your child with their speech therapy needs.
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