Sam Parsi is a full-service dental practice located in San Diego, California offering the latest advancements in laser dentistry, gum rejuvenation using the Pinhole Surgical Technique™, teeth whitening, all porcelain or zirconia veneers, crowns and bridges, Invisalign and clear braces for adults and children, sedation dentistry, advanced implants, Zirconia dental implants and mini-implants with 3D Imaging. Our commitment to safety and convenience means we offer digital x-rays with up to five times less radiation dose, making our care safer for you and better for the environment. Sam Parsi provides comprehensive and personalized care to ensure your smile is healthy and beautiful.
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According to our therapies search website, there are a total of 13 companies offering therapy services for children and adolescents in the zip code 92128, 224 companies in San Diego, and 3911 companies in California.
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