PediaPlex, LLC is a premier diagnostic and therapeutic clinic based in Fort Worth, TX, offering comprehensive testing and scalable therapy services for children and their families. Our team specializes in providing Occupational, ABA, and Speech & Feeding Therapies, delivered by our experienced and certified staff. Our child-focused center offers personalized care and individualized treatment plans to ensure the best possible outcomes for your child. Our team is dedicated to helping your child reach their full potential.
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According to our therapies search website, there are 8 companies providing therapy services for children and adolescents in zip code 76244, 14 in Keller, and 2484 throughout the state of Texas.
If you’re wondering if your child needs speech therapy, PediaPlex in Fort Worth can help. Our team of experts can provide the guidance and support you need to determine if your child would benefit from speech therapy and help them develop the language and communication skills they need. We understand there is a critical period for language development, so it’s important to get started as soon as possible. Our comprehensive guide will help you understand the signs that indicate a need for speech therapy, such as difficulty responding to questions, starting or ending conversations, changing topics, and understanding body language. With our help, your child can gain the skills they need to communicate effectively and become more confident and independent. Contact PediaPlex today to learn more about our speech therapy services.
At PediaPlex in Fort Worth, we provide comprehensive Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy for children and adults. Our ABA therapy utilizes principles of learning and behavior to improve communication skills, social skills, and daily living skills, while also addressing problematic behaviors. Our primary goal is to help individuals gain independence and reduce harmful behaviors. Check out our guide to ABA therapy for more information!
At PediaPlex in Fort Worth, we understand the importance of making an informed decision when it comes to ABA therapy for your child. We offer guidance to help families make the best decision for their individual needs. Our complete guide to ABA therapy provides the answers you need to make an educated decision on if ABA is the right choice for your child. With our comprehensive guide, you can learn more about the potential benefits of ABA, how to choose the right provider, and how to end ABA therapy when the time is right. We strive to provide families with the resources and support to make informed decisions about ABA therapy for their children.
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