The Parent Information Center of Delaware, Inc. (PIC) is an organization located in Wilmington dedicated to providing information and support to parents of children with disabilities from birth to age 26. As the only Parent Training and Information Center (PTI) in Delaware, PIC’s Parent Consultants receive intensive training from federal and regional sources to ensure they are providing quality, relevant, and useful information to the families they serve. PIC is charged by the US Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs, to provide resources and guidance to parents in their pursuit of appropriate education and related services for their children. PIC takes this responsibility seriously, and is committed to helping parents of children with disabilities access the services they need.
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According to our therapies search website, there are a total of 195 companies in Delaware providing therapy services for children and adolescents. This includes 4 companies located in zip code 19804, 72 companies located in Wilmington, and 119 companies located elsewhere in the state.
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