At Olmos Speech, Language and Learning Clinic, we have been offering quality speech, language, and learning services to children and adolescents in San Antonio for over 30 years. Our clinic works closely with parents, schools, and other professionals to ensure the best developmental outcomes for our clients. We are proud to be advocates for our clients and their families, helping them reach their goals and achieve success. With our experience and expertise, we strive to provide the best possible care and support for our clients and their families.
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Our therapies search website shows that there are 10 companies providing therapy services for children and adolescents in the zip code 78209, 234 in San Antonio, and 2484 in Texas.
At Olmos Speech, Language and Learning Clinic, we understand how important it is to recognize when your child needs speech therapy. If your child is on the autism spectrum, they may have difficulty with social communication and need assistance. While some children are very verbal, they may still need help with communication skills such as responding to questions, starting or ending conversations, changing conversation topics, and understanding other people’s body language. Speech therapy is a big focus in early intervention for children with autism, and it is important to begin speech therapy as soon as possible to take advantage of the critical period in the brain for language development. If your child is struggling with speaking, they may be very quiet, say only a few words, or not speak at all. Our clinic offers a comprehensive guide to help you understand everything you need to know about speech therapy. Contact us today to learn more and see how we can help your child reach their communication goals!
At Olmos Speech, Language and Learning Clinic, we focus on helping your child improve their communication skills. Our speech therapy services can provide a variety of benefits, ranging from developing nonverbal skills, such as signs or gestures, to forming speech in a clearer way, understanding and responding to questions, discerning facial expressions, and noticing and understanding body language. Additionally, our speech therapists can help with feeding and swallowing difficulties, as well as stuttering. We strive to help your child communicate effectively with other people and feel more confident in all environments.
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