At O.T. Plus, Inc., we are committed to taking the next step in advancing wellness and quality of life for individuals who have experienced traumatic brain injuries and spinal cord injuries. Our multidisciplinary approach to rehabilitation ensures each patient receives the best care and treatment possible. Our team of experts is dedicated to helping individuals achieve their goals, and get back to doing the activities they love. We value our commitment to creating a safe and supportive environment for patients to reach their highest potential. Contact us today to find out how we can help you take the next step with O.T. Plus!
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According to our search website, there are 17 companies providing therapy services for children and adolescents within the Denver zip codes 80222 and 223 and CO’s 1060 zip code.
At O.T. PLUS, INC., we understand that it can be difficult to know if your child needs speech therapy. If your child is autistic, speech therapy is likely recommended as many autistic individuals struggle with social communication. Even if your child is very verbal, they might need to work on communication skills like responding to questions, starting or ending conversations, changing conversation topics, understanding body language, and more. Speech therapy is an important part of early intervention and is essential to teaching language and communication skills. If your child is struggling with speaking, they may be very quiet, say only a few words, or not speak at all. For more information, check out our complete guide to speech therapy. If you have further questions, don’t hesitate to contact us and we’ll be happy to help.
At O.T. PLUS, INC., our speech therapy services are designed to help your child communicate effectively with others in any environment. Our certified therapists will work with your child to develop verbal and nonverbal communication, improve speech clarity, understand facial expressions and body language, and more. We will also help your child learn to respond to questions and form sentences more easily. Furthermore, we can provide assistance with feeding and swallowing, and even help reduce stuttering. Contact us today to learn how our speech therapy can help your child reach their fullest potential.
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