At New Directions ABA LLC, we are a dedicated team of facilitators offering direct and social group services for individuals aged 18 months-18 years. Our approach is based on the concept of teaching HOW to learn, rather than WHAT to learn. Our programs are tailored to each individual, and we use natural and social reinforcement to help individuals reach their full potential. Through evidence-based therapeutic interventions, we are committed to promoting positive behavior change in our clients.
18 months to 18 years
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According to our website, there are 6 therapy services for children and adolescents available in zip code 20170, 9 in Herndon, and 592 in the entire state of Virginia.
New Directions ABA LLC is an Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy provider rooted in the science of learning and behavior. Our ABA therapy services focus on teaching key skills that promote independence and reduce harmful behaviors. Our ABA therapy services help children and adults improve their communication, social, and daily living skills. If you are looking for more information about ABA therapy, New Directions ABA LLC has a comprehensive guide to answer any questions or concerns you may have.
At New Directions ABA LLC, we understand the importance of making the right decision when it comes to ABA therapy for your child. Applied behavior analysis (ABA) is a scientifically-backed approach aimed at improving communication skills, reinforcing positive behaviors, and reducing harmful behaviors. It’s important to understand that ABA is not designed to “fix” children or make them appear “less autistic”. Instead, it’s an approach that helps children reach their full potential while embracing their unique personality traits. For more information on ABA and how to start and end ABA therapy, check out our complete guide.
At New Directions ABA LLC, we understand that ABA therapy can be expensive, so we want to make sure you have the information you need to know the cost of ABA therapy. Generally, ABA therapy is covered by insurance if you have an autism diagnosis, however, it’s important to check your specific insurance plan to make sure that ABA is covered and that the provider you are seeking care at is in-network. To help you understand more about ABA therapy and its cost, New Directions ABA LLC has created a comprehensive guide to provide you with all the details you need to make an informed decision.
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