At Leigh Law Group, located in Sausalito, we are a client-centered law firm that is dedicated to providing the best possible legal services to our clients. We focus on problem solving and strategic decision-making that helps improve the lives of our clients. We believe everyone deserves a strong advocate and seek to help those with underrepresented interests. Our team of experienced attorneys are knowledgeable in education, employment and business law and can provide assistance if you are facing civil rights violations. We will guide you through every step of your case to ensure your rights are upheld, whether it is due to discrimination, retaliation or any other unfair treatment. When you need legal help, our team is here to provide you with the support you need.
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According to our therapies search website, there are 3911 companies in California that provide therapy services for children and adolescents. Of those, 2 are located in zip code 94965 and 2 are located in Sausalito.
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