At Interface Children & Family Services Thousand Oaks Office, we are dedicated to providing every child, teen, parent, and adult in our community with the necessary resources and support they need to thrive. Founded in 1973, we are Ventura County’s foremost nonprofit provider of social services, such as mental health trauma treatment, youth crisis homeless services, domestic violence child abuse prevention, human trafficking prevention and intervention, and justice services. Our team is dedicated to fostering innovative partnerships with teachers, parents, medical professionals, and more to prevent abuse in our community. Through our educational programs, we are able to help adults recognize signs of abuse and equip students with tools to protect themselves. Additionally, our 211 Information Assistance referral contact center is the region’s largest, providing quick and efficient connections to the resources and assistance individuals need during times of crisis.
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According to our therapies search website, there are 17 therapy services for children and adolescents in zip code 91360, 29 in Thousand Oaks, and 3911 across the state of California.
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