At Idaho Department of Health and Welfare’s Infant Toddler Program in Payette, our mission is to ensure families have access to the resources needed for their childrens’ physical, cognitive, and social-emotional growth and development. Here, our services are free to families in Idaho and are funded through private insurance, Medicaid, and federal and state funds. Families are welcome to apply for services on their own or have their health care provider make a referral. Our goal is to help all children reach their potential.
0 to 3 years
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There are currently 223 companies providing various types of therapy services for children and adolescents in Idaho, with 1 company located in Payette and 1 in zip code 83661. This data was gathered from our therapy search website.
The Idaho Department of Health and Welfare’s Infant Toddler Program at the Payette Office can help you determine if your child needs speech therapy. Our comprehensive guide provides information about how to recognize if a child struggles with speaking, how speech therapy can help, and the critical period for language development. Speech therapy is almost always recommended for children with autism, as it helps them learn effective ways to communicate and grow into independent and confident individuals. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help your child.
The Idaho Department of Health and Welfare’s Infant Toddler Program at the Payette Office provides Speech Therapy to help children effectively communicate. Through this therapy, your child can learn to use gestures, signs, verbal speech, and Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) to express their thoughts and feelings. Speech Therapy also helps with nonverbal skills, forming speech, understanding questions, discerning facial expressions, noticing and understanding body language, feeding and swallowing, and even stuttering.
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