Favor, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization led by families that is dedicated to empowering parents and children to improve health and educational outcomes. Our core values are family empowerment, mutual respect, accountability, and partnership. We use a wraparound approach that emphasizes the importance of the family and youth voice to achieve successful outcomes. Our mission is to empower families to advocate effectively on behalf of their children, access family-driven and culturally-sensitive services, and promote their voice in policy-making and practices. Our staff have experiences of being caregivers to children with special needs and strive to help other families in similar situations. Through training and mentoring activities, we create relationships between families, schools, and healthcare providers built on mutual respect and accountability. We seek to identify the strengths of the child and the family and enhance their capacities, knowledge, and skills. We collaborate with family leaders and professional partners to ensure that families are always at the table where decisions are made that affect their children.
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According to our therapies search website, there are currently 512 companies in the state of Connecticut that provide therapy services for children and adolescents. Of these, 4 are located in zip code 6109 and 6 are located in Wethersfield.
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