At Dr. Yolanda Barrera-Spanish, we are committed to providing specialized Mental Health services for Latinos in Denver, Colorado and its surrounding areas such as Aurora, Englewood, Lakewood, Golden, Commerce City, Westminster, Colorado Springs, and Avon. Our founder and chief clinician, Dr. Barrera, is a licensed psychologist and bilingual (Spanish/English) professional with more than 18 years of expertise in various mental health programs. Her clinical and scientific interests include the prevention of mental illness, culturally-sensitive assessment and intervention, professional and community education, and bilingual counseling services. Additionally, we are actively involved in developing programs to promote mental health, relationship enhancement, and optimal performance for individuals, couples, families, and organizations.
Children to adults
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According to our therapies search website, there are 5 companies providing therapy services for children and adolescents within zip code 80224, 223 in Denver, and 1060 in the entire state of Colorado.
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