Coast Music Therapy provides music-based therapy services for children and teens with autism. Our board certified music therapists specialize in customized, evidence-based techniques designed to help your child connect with the world around them, build relationships, reduce frustration, and experience the joy of music. Our services include individual music therapy, early intervention, adapted music lessons, music recording, expressive arts, IEP-based services, and school staff training. We are the largest provider of special education and IEP-based music therapy services in Southern California, and our partner site provides additional resources to promote educational progress. Directed by Michelle Lazar, MA, MT-BC, Autism Specialist and Music Therapist, Coast Music Therapy’s mission is to create a spark for your child through music and the arts!
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According to our search website, there are 42 companies that provide therapy services for children and adolescents in the zip code 92123, 224 in the city of San Diego, and 3911 throughout the entire state of California.
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