Centra Pediatric Therapy (CPT) is a specialized pediatric therapy clinic that offers comprehensive services to help manage your child’s feeding and developmental needs. Our team of licensed pediatric therapists use advanced treatment techniques to address any limitations or deficits that prevent your child from reaching their milestones. We are highly trained in evaluating and treating children of all ages, from birth to adulthood, with special needs. Our therapists understand the unique needs of each child and create tailored treatments that are specifically designed to meet their individual needs. Our services include Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, and Speech Language Therapy. We strive to provide the best quality of care and support that each child needs to reach their potential.
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In the state of California, there are currently 3911 therapy services for children and adolescents listed on our therapies search website. Specifically, in Tustin there are 8 companies and 8 in the zip code of 92780.
At Centra Pediatric Therapy, we understand that it can be difficult to determine if your child needs speech therapy. That’s why we’re here to help. From responding to questions to using gestures, our complete guide to speech therapy can help you determine if your child requires speech therapy and how to get them the right help. Our team of experts is dedicated to helping children of all ages reach their full potential by providing the highest level of care. With our comprehensive guide and experience in pediatric therapy, we can help your child learn effective ways to communicate so they can grow into more independent and confident individuals. Reach out to Centra Pediatric Therapy today to learn more about how speech therapy can help your child.
At Centra Pediatric Therapy, we understand that it can be difficult to watch your child struggle with communication. That’s why our team of experienced speech therapists offer comprehensive speech therapy services to help your child reach their potential. Our speech therapists are dedicated to helping your child improve their communication in all areas, including nonverbal skills, forming speech, communication of thoughts and feelings, understanding and responding to questions, discerning facial expressions and body language, and feeding and swallowing. With our help, your child can gain the tools they need to effectively communicate and build meaningful relationships.
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