Break the Barriers Inc. is an organization that was established in 1986 with the mission of inclusion, providing an opportunity for students and staff to express themselves through dance, gymnastics, martial arts, American Sign Language, stunts, and music. In doing so, this outreach has been named “The National Role Model for Inclusion” by the US Department of Education, impacting the lives of over 200 million people worldwide. Break the Barriers has been adapting classes to meet the increasing demand for its unique program, and Steve and Deby Hergenrader have recently passed the torch to their oldest son, Jared Hergenrader, as Chief Executive Officer. With Jared at the helm and the support of the leaders and staff of Break the Barriers, they are committed to bringing hope, joy, and ability awareness to people in the Central Valley and beyond.
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According to our searches on our therapies search website, there are 7 companies providing therapy services for children and adolescents in zip code 93720, 42 in Fresno, and 3911 across California.
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