Bench Mark Physical | Jefferson City

  • Updated 1 week ago
  • 646 E Broadway Blvd, Jefferson City, TN 37760
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Physical Therapy
  • Speech Therapy

About Bench Mark Physical | Jefferson City

At Bench Mark Physical in Jefferson City, we are committed to providing the most effective and clinically superior physical therapy possible. We strive to build trust with our patients and to heal their hearts. Our staff is provided with a positive and respectful work environment and we invest in their professional growth to ensure a compassionate and knowledgeable team of professionals. Our culture is driven by values and principles and we are dedicated to leading the way to good health.


Age ranges served


Care options

Working hours


9:00 am - 6:00 pm

  • Monday

    9:00 am - 6:00 pm
  • Tuesday

    9:00 am - 6:00 pm
  • Wednesday

    9:00 am - 6:00 pm
  • Thursday

    9:00 am - 6:00 pm
  • Friday

    9:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • Saturday

    Closed all day
  • Sunday

    Closed all day
  • Local time

    02/19/2025 5:34 am


  • English

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Company Management

Office address

646 E Broadway Blvd, Jefferson City, TN 37760, USA



Jefferson City,TN

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More details about providers

According to our therapies search website, there are a total of 393 companies in the state of Tennessee that provide therapy services for children and adolescents. Of those, 1 is located in zip code 37760, 8 are located in Jefferson City, and the remaining 384 are dispersed throughout the rest of the state.

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Have questions?

At Bench Mark Physical in Jefferson City, our experienced team of speech therapists can help you determine if your child needs speech therapy. We can provide comprehensive assessment and treatment services to help your child learn the communication skills they need. Our team is dedicated to understanding each child’s unique needs and providing the most effective therapy strategies to help them reach their goals. We understand the importance of early intervention and strive to provide the best care and support to each of our patients. If you believe your child may need speech therapy, please reach out to our team today to learn more about how we can help.

At Bench Mark Physical in Jefferson City, our speech therapists can help your child improve their communication skills in many ways. They focus on helping your child understand facial expressions and body language, develop nonverbal skills such as signs or gestures, and form clearer speech. Additionally, they can help your child to effectively communicate thoughts and feelings, understand and respond to questions, and improve swallowing and feeding. With the help of our speech therapists, your child can gain the confidence to communicate effectively in any environment.

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