At AMEGO Inc Attleboro, we are passionate about providing support and resources to individuals living with autism and other developmental disabilities. We strive to help them reach their highest potential and achieve greater independence in their home, school, work, and community. Our mission is to empower and strengthen families and individuals living with autism and other related disorders, by providing the highest quality evidence-based services and resources. We strive to promote inclusion and belonging in the community and provide meaningful opportunities for those we serve. We embrace diversity, encourage creativity, and foster growth of the individuals we serve.
18 months and through adulthood
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According to our searches, there are 7 companies in zip code 2703, 7 in Attleboro, and 1038 in Massachusetts that provide therapy services for children and adolescents on our therapy search website.
At AMEGO, Inc., we understand that it can be difficult to know if your child needs speech therapy. If your child is autistic, speech therapy is almost always recommended as many people with autism have difficulty with communication. Even if your child is very verbal, they could still need help with communication skills, like responding to questions, starting and ending conversation, changing conversation topics, and understanding other people’s body language. Early intervention with speech therapy is key in language development, so it’s important to teach language and communication skills as early as possible. If your child is very quiet, says only a few words, or doesn’t speak at all, it might be time to consider speech therapy. Our complete guide to speech therapy can help you understand the process and determine if your child needs it. Visit our website for more information and to learn more about how AMEGO, Inc. can help you and your child with speech therapy.
At AMEGO, Inc. in Attleboro, we understand the vital importance of speech therapy and its ability to help improve communication. Our team of experienced speech therapists are dedicated to helping your child develop their verbal and nonverbal skills, as well as forming speech in a clearer way, communicating thoughts and feelings clearly, understanding and responding to questions, discerning facial expressions and their corresponding emotions, noticing and understanding body language, and feeding and swallowing. With the help of our speech therapy services, we can help your child communicate effectively with other people across all environments.
At AMEGO, Inc. in Attleboro, we understand the importance of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy. ABA is a form of therapy rooted in the science of learning and behavior that can help children and adults improve their communication, social, and daily living skills. The primary goal of ABA therapy is to teach helpful skills that promote independence and reduce problematic or challenging behaviors. Learn more about ABA therapy from our comprehensive guide.
At AMEGO, Inc. Attleboro, we understand that deciding whether to try ABA therapy for your child is a big decision. We want to help you make an informed decision on what ABA therapy entails, the goals of ABA therapy, and the best way to start and end ABA therapy. Our goal is to provide you with the information you need to make the best decision for your family. With our complete guide to ABA therapy, we can help you determine if ABA is right for your child.
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