At Alta California Regional Center, we provide essential services and resources to individuals with developmental disabilities, allowing them to live, work, and play in their communities. We strive to ensure they have access to the highest quality of care and support available, while promoting independence and self-advocacy. Our goal is to create a safe and inclusive environment where everyone can grow and thrive. We offer a variety of services, such as individual and family supports, residential programs, and employment services, to meet the unique needs of each individual and their families. We also provide training and resources to families, caregivers, and other service providers so they can best support individuals with developmental disabilities in our community. We are dedicated to making a positive difference in the lives of individuals with developmental disabilities and creating a more inclusive society.
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According to our data, there are currently over 800 companies in this state that provide therapy services for children and adolescents, ranging from behavioral health, speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, and more. Our therapies search website helps families easily locate the best care providers for their needs, giving them access to a wealth of resources and qualified professionals.
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