The Treatment and Learning Centers (TLC) is a private, non-profit organization founded in 1950 in Rockville, MD with a mission to improve lives and expand possibilities. For the past 65 years, we have been providing a warm, inclusive environment through our family of services to over 2000 individuals annually, helping to meet the various needs of our community. Our services are designed to give individuals the opportunity to reach their full potential and are tailored to meet the unique needs of each individual.
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According to our therapies search website, there are 24 companies offering therapy services for children and adolescents in zip code 20850, 47 in Rockville, and 685 throughout the entire state of Maryland.
At The Treatment and Learning Centers, we understand how important it is to provide a child with the best speech therapy possible. If you’re unsure if your child needs speech therapy, our guide to everything you need to know about speech therapy can help. Speech therapy is almost always recommended for autistic children, as many people with autism have difficulty with social communication. Even if a child is very verbal and says a lot of words, they might need to work on communication skills like responding to questions, starting or ending conversation, changing conversation topics, using gestures like pointing, and understanding other people’s body language. Speech therapy is a big focus in early intervention for autistic children, and is usually the starting place for recently diagnosed kids. It’s important to teach language and communication skills as early as possible, especially if there are any delays in that area. With the right speech therapy, your child can learn effective ways to communicate, helping them to grow into more independent and confident individuals. If your child is very quiet, says only a few words, or doesn’t speak at all, speech therapy might be the right choice. The Treatment and Learning Centers can help you find the best speech therapy for your child.
At The Treatment and Learning Centers, our speech therapists are experienced in helping children learn to communicate effectively with others. We can help with nonverbal skills, forming speech in a clearer way, communicating thoughts and feelings, understanding and responding to questions, discerning facial expressions and their corresponding emotions, noticing and understanding body language, feeding and swallowing, and even stuttering. Through our speech therapy program, we strive to help your child use gestures, simple signs, verbal speech, and Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) to improve their communication skills.
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