At TIEE, we strive to provide quality educational services for individuals with special learning needs. Our COOK Education Center is a leading provider of specialized programs and resources designed to help students reach their full potential. Our services include individualized instruction, assessments, and counseling, as well as parent and family support. We have a passionate and dedicated team of teachers, counselors, and therapists who are committed to helping our learners discover their unique talents and abilities. Our mission is to empower individuals with unique learning needs to lead successful and fulfilling lives. We strive to create an inclusive learning environment that is accessible and welcoming to all. Our team is passionate about helping our learners reach their goals and achieve success.
3.5 to 22 years
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According to our therapies search website, there are 32 companies in zip code 92108, 224 in San Diego, and 3911 in California that provide therapy services for children and adolescents.
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