The Arc Downriver is a membership organization dedicated to providing support and advocacy to children and adults with intellectual and other related developmental disabilities, as well as their families. We are committed to helping individuals with disabilities reach their full potential and lead meaningful and productive lives. Our services include case management, direct support, respite care, information and referral, and housing/community living. We strive to ensure that all individuals with disabilities have access to the resources they need to live healthy and independent lives. Our team of professionals are committed to providing quality and comprehensive services to the individuals and families we serve.
Children to adults
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As of today, our therapies search website has identified 644 companies in the state of Michigan providing therapy services for children and adolescents. Of those 644, 2 are located in zip code 48192 and 2 in Wyandotte. With such a wide variety of services and providers, we are proud to offer the most comprehensive directory of therapy services for children and adolescents in the state of Michigan.
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