At Summit Psychological Assessment & Consultation, we specialize in providing Neuroeducational testing services and executive functioning coaching for children and adolescents. Our team of dual-licensed clinical psychologists and school psychologists are committed to delivering integrity and excellence in our services to help families and children develop skills for success in school and life. We offer comprehensive Neuroeducational Evaluations, Individualized Support Plans, and School Companion documents to provide meaningful and targeted assessment and consultation. By ruling out any potential differential diagnoses, we identify each individual’s strengths and areas of need, so parents can best advocate for their child.
18 months through young adults
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According to our therapy search website, there are a total of 1234 companies providing therapy services for children and adolescents in the state of Colorado. This includes 3 companies located in zip code 80922, 171 in Colorado Springs, and 1060 throughout the entire state.
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