At Special Strong, we specialize in delivering science-based, adaptive and inclusive fitness programs for children, adolescents and adults with physical, mental and cognitive challenges. Located in League City, TX, our team of certified fitness professionals works to create an environment that fosters good health and well-being for all members of the community. Our team takes pride in providing high-quality and personalized programs to meet the needs of our clients in a safe and supportive environment. We strive to meet the individual needs of our clients while providing them with the tools and resources they need to reach their fitness goals. With years of experience and knowledge, Special Strong is dedicated to supporting our clients in achieving success.
8 years and above
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According to our therapies search website, there are 11 companies in zip code 77573, 11 in League City, and 2484 in the entire state of Texas that provide therapy services for children and adolescents.
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