At Seattle Therapy Network, we are dedicated to helping kids with special needs simply be kids. Our experienced team of physical, occupational and speech therapists use a collaborative, holistic approach to provide a safe, happy and challenging environment. We equip our clients with skills that unlock their individual potential and provide them with imaginative opportunities for play and discovery. Our services are provided by three independently owned businesses that are highly collaborative, allowing us to offer you more specialists, services and a wide variety of play and treatment spaces all under one roof. Our goal is to ensure that every child can enjoy life to the fullest.
Children to adults
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According to our therapies search website, there are 4 companies providing therapy services for children and adolescents in zip code 98134, 82 in Seattle, and 483 throughout the state of Washington.
At Seattle Therapy Network, we understand that it can be difficult to know if your child needs speech therapy. That’s why we provide an informative guide to help you determine if speech therapy is the best option for your child. Our guide covers everything from understanding the critical period for language development and the signs that a child might struggle with speaking, to the recommended speech therapy for autistic children and how it can help them grow into more independent and confident individuals. With our comprehensive guide, you’ll have all the information you need to make an informed decision on whether speech therapy is the right choice for your child. Visit our website today to learn more about speech therapy and how it can help your child.
At Seattle Therapy Network, we understand how important it is for your child to communicate effectively with others. Our speech therapy services are designed to help your child develop the skills necessary to understand and express themselves through gestures, verbal speech, and Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC). Our certified therapists are dedicated to helping your child learn and maintain nonverbal skills, form speech more clearly, communicate thoughts and feelings, understand questions, discern facial expressions and body language, and improve feeding and swallowing. With our help, your child can get the help they need to speak confidently and clearly.
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