Sanford Children’s Clinic is a pediatric care provider committed to providing excellent medical care in fun, kid-friendly environments across the United States. Our Duncan, OK clinic, established in 2009, is proud to be the only pediatric clinic in town and to be part of the community. We specialize in everything from annual checkups, to vaccinations, to mending broken bones, and strive to ensure that every community member has access to quality care and services close to home. At Sanford Children’s Clinic, we believe that a lifetime of good health starts with pediatric care.
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According to our data, there are 73 companies in the state of Oklahoma that provide therapy services for children and adolescents on our therapies search website. Of these, 1 is located in Duncan and 1 is located in zip code 73533. This means that there are an impressive 71 companies in the state that offer these important services to children and adolescents.
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