At Robert Ann Lurie Children’s Hospital, we strive to provide the best care to our pediatric patients and their families. Our neurology and neurosurgery programs are ranked 11th in the nation by U.S.News World Report, and more families rely on us than any other single hospital in the state for care and second opinions. We have a multidisciplinary team of experienced pediatric neurologists, advanced practice providers, and nurses to ensure your loved one gets the best possible care. Our facility is kid-friendly, and we use state-of-the-art technology to achieve the best possible treatment outcomes. In addition, we believe in family-centered care, which means we involve the whole family in a patient’s treatment plan. We also provide support and distraction for a patient’s siblings, and strive to fit our care within your lifestyle. Robert Ann Lurie Children’s Hospital is dedicated to providing the highest quality of care for your family.
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In the state of Illinois, there are a total of 1,592 companies providing therapy services for children and adolescents on our therapies search website, with 19 companies in zip code 60611, 285 in Chicago, and 1297 in the rest of the state.
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