Pediatric Neurology Associates in Clearwater is committed to providing the highest standards of care for our patients in a warm, professional, and friendly atmosphere. Our team of board certified physicians have extensive experience in treating a wide range of neurological issues, including headaches, seizures, cerebral palsy, developmental problems, and muscle diseases, in infants, children, and adolescents. Our pediatric neurologists have undergone specialized training in Pediatrics, followed by Neurology with special emphasis in Child Neurology, to ensure the best possible care for our patients’ needs. Whether you require assistance or have any special requests, please let us know and we will be more than happy to help.
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Our therapies search website has identified a total of 2075 companies in the state of Florida that provide therapy services for children and adolescents. Of those, 18 are located in Clearwater and 5 are in zip code 33761.
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