Ms. Stefani M. Cohen, LCSW, is an expert in animal assisted therapy, humane education programs, and helping people overcome their fear of dogs. With her dedication to providing the best service to her clients, Ms. Cohen uses her expertise and experience to help her clients find relief and comfort. Whether you are looking to better understand your pet, or need assistance with overcoming a fear, Ms. Cohen is the expert you can trust to provide the necessary guidance and support. She is committed to providing the best service and creating a positive experience for all her clients.
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According to our data, there are a total of 1,622 companies in New York State that provide therapy services for children and adolescents on our therapies search website. Of these companies, 1 is located in zip code 10538 and 1 is in Larchmont. This means that the vast majority of these therapy services are available throughout the state.
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