Minnesota Life College is a 501(c)3 nonprofit vocational and life skills training program for autistic and neurodiverse young adults. Since its founding in 1996, Minnesota Life College has remained dedicated to helping its participants make successful transitions towards independent living and self-sufficiency. The college offers an apartment living College Program that teaches important life, social, and vocational skills. Additionally, Minnesota Life College’s Community Program provides lifelong supports through its programs in social engagement, emotional support, safety, wellness, independent living skills, and careers. With a focus on learning about life first-hand within a supportive community in a vibrant city, Minnesota Life College is committed to helping its participants gain independence.
18 to 26 years
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According to our search website, there are 7 companies in zip code 55423, 116 in Minneapolis, and 530 providers of therapy services for children and adolescents throughout the entire state of Minnesota.
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