Dr. Michelle Hintz Reitman is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist and Licensed Mental Health Counselor who specializes in the treatment of childhood and adolescent issues within a family context. She has extensive training in behavior modification, communication systems, psychodynamic and systems theories, couples and family therapy, and developmental psychology. Her work has focused on the treatment of children, adolescents, and families with a variety of psychiatric, behavioral, and emotional disorders, as well as trauma. Dr. Reitman has also presented at numerous workshops and trainings at the regional and national levels on topics such as music therapy and autism, music psychotherapy, infant mental health, and creative therapy processes. In 2000, she founded Cadenza Music Therapy to serve children with autism and developmental disabilities in the South Broward and Dade Counties. She is the Continuing Education Coordinator for the Southeastern Region of the American Music Therapy Association and for the Florida Association for Music Therapy. As an editorial board member for Music Therapy Perspectives, she contributes to the quarterly journal published by the American Music Therapy Association. Additionally, Dr. Hintz Reitman is a clinical training director for music therapy interns and practicum students and often guest lectures in the University of Miami’s Music Therapy Program and Miami Children’s Hospital.
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