Making Milestones is a pediatric therapeutic facility established in September 2002 by two therapists: Robin Bump, a Physical Therapist, and Lori Golden, a Speech Language Pathologist. Our mission is to create a fun and supportive environment where children can receive the therapeutic care they need to reach their milestones. Making Milestones provides Occupational Therapy (OT), Physical Therapy (PT), and Speech and Language Therapy services. Our specialties include Sensory Integration, Autism Spectrum Disorder, developmental delays, socialization issues, articulation, and handwriting. We strive to provide the best possible care for our patients, treating them like our own.
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There are 10 companies in zip code 10025, 292 in New York State, and 1621 in all of New York that provide therapy services for children and adolescents on our therapies search website.
At Making Milestones, we understand how important it is to recognize when your child needs speech therapy. It’s essential to provide early intervention for autistic children so they can learn communication skills like responding to questions, starting or ending conversations, using gestures, understanding body language, and more. That’s why we’ve compiled a guide to give you everything you need to know about speech therapy. If your child is very quiet, says a few words, or doesn’t speak at all, our guide can help you identify if speech therapy is the right path for them. Through our resources, your child can communicate more effectively, become more independent, and gain confidence. Let Making Milestones help you make the right milestones for your child’s development.
At Making Milestones, we understand how important it is for children to be able to effectively communicate with the world around them. That’s why we specialize in speech therapy, which can help your child understand and respond to questions, discern facial expressions and body language, form speech in a clearer way, and use signs or gestures when necessary. Our highly skilled speech therapists can also assist with stuttering, nonverbal skills, feeding and swallowing, and Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC). With the help of Making Milestones, your child can reach their communication milestones with ease.
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