LifeWorks NW is a community-focused organization dedicated to providing quality and culturally responsive mental health and addiction services across the lifespan in Washington County, Clackamas County, and Multnomah County. We strive to meet the individual needs of our clients, while promoting the health and wellbeing of our entire community. We understand the importance of providing culturally competent care and are committed to serving individuals of all ages, backgrounds, and walks of life. Our team of experienced professionals offer support, education, and evidence-based treatment options to help individuals and families reach their goals and live their best life. At LifeWorks NW, we are proud to be part of the vibrant and diverse communities of the greater Portland metropolitan area.
Children to adults
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Our therapies search website shows that there are a total of 565 companies providing therapy services for children and adolescents across the state of Oregon, with 97233 having 1 company, Portland having 131, and the rest of the state having 433.
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