At Kinetic Kids, Inc. (Partner Facility | St. Mary’s University), we strive to be the premier and recognized leader for adaptive sports, fine arts, and educational programming for children with intellectual and physical challenges. Our services extend to our community and beyond, so that all children can achieve new possibilities. We partner with 50+ local facilities to provide accessible and convenient programs for kids and their families. Our qualified staff and volunteers ensure that our participants have the resources needed to reach their full potential. With Kinetic Kids, all children can imagine, explore, and reach their goals.
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According to our therapies search website, there are 5 companies providing therapy services for children and adolescents in zip code 78228 in San Antonio, 234 in the city overall, and 2484 in the state of Texas.
At Kinetic Kids, Inc., partner facility of St. Mary’s University, we understand that knowing when your child needs speech therapy can be confusing. We’re here to help by providing a comprehensive guide on everything you need to know about speech therapy. A few signs that may indicate your child needs speech therapy include difficulty responding to questions, difficulty starting or ending conversation, difficulty changing conversation topics, and difficulty understanding other people’s body language. Speech therapy is an important part of early intervention for autistic children and is often the starting point for those recently diagnosed. It’s important to start language and communication skills as early as possible to take advantage of the critical period in the brain for language development and to help your child grow into an independent and confident individual. If you’re not sure if your child needs speech therapy, contact Kinetic Kids, Inc., a partner facility of St. Mary’s University to learn more.
At Kinetic Kids, Inc., a partner facility of St. Mary’s University, we understand the importance of speech therapy and the role it can play in helping children communicate effectively with others. Our speech therapists work with kids to develop a variety of skills, such as nonverbal communication, forming speech, expressing thoughts and feelings, comprehending questions, recognizing facial expressions, understanding body language, feeding, and swallowing. We are committed to helping children improve their communication skills, and our speech therapists strive to make sure every child is getting the most out of their therapy.
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