Kevin Albert PsyD PC is a clinical and forensic psychologist licensed in Colorado, providing Parental Responsibilities Evaluations for the Court and associated therapy and assessments. Located in Centennial, CO, we strive to help parents, attorneys, and judges make informed decisions in respect to allocating parenting time, decision making, and other aspects of family life. As an impartial expert, our goal is to make recommendations that constructively maximize the child’s relationship with each parent, while preserving the opportunity for future relating. Our extensive experience in the field is further demonstrated by our written and seminar presentations on child custody issues, as well as our active involvement in the Metropolitan Denver Interdisciplinary Committee (MDIC).
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According to our therapies search website, there are a total of 1141 companies providing therapy services for children and adolescents in the state of Colorado, with 21 companies located in zip code 80111, 70 in Englewood, and 1060 throughout the state.
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