Kathleen Platzman, Ph.D is a Licensed Psychologist offering comprehensive services including consultation, assessment, psychotherapy, treatment planning, mentoring, and supervision. She specializes in developmental challenges, attachment, trauma, learning challenges, and general coping struggles. Dr. Platzman is the Director of Clinical Training for the Interdisciplinary Council on Developmental and Learning Disorders, a Board Member of the Hirsch Academy, and a teaching faculty of Fielding Graduate University. With over 30 years of experience, she holds a doctorate from the University of Chicago, Committee on Human Development and respecialization in Child and Family Psychotherapy from Georgia State University. Prior to private practice, Dr. Platzman was part of a research team at Emory University conducting research on the long-term developmental consequences of prenatal drug and alcohol exposure and early environmental neglect.
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According to our therapyservices.com search, there are currently 20 companies providing therapy services for children and adolescents in the 30329 zip code, 235 in the city of Atlanta, and 1222 throughout the state of Georgia.
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