Kadiant is the trusted local resource for Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy in Lakewood, Colorado. Our Board Certified Behavior Analysts and Registered Behavior Technicians are passionate and experienced professionals who provide individualized services tailored to fit your needs, including in-home, center, school, and community-based ABA services; comprehensive and focused ABA programs; social skills groups; extensive evaluations and assessments; individualized parent training; self-help and functional living skills; and behavior management. We are here to support you and your family every step of the way.
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There are currently 11 companies providing therapy services for children and adolescents in zip code 80228, 223 in Denver, and 1060 in the entire state of Colorado on our therapies search website.
Kadiant, based in Lakewood, is a leading provider of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy. Our therapy is rooted in the science of learning and behavior and helps both children and adults learn to improve their communication skills, social skills, and daily living skills. We strive to teach helpful skills that foster independence and reduce problematic behaviors. To learn more about ABA therapy, check out our comprehensive guide on the subject.
At Kadiant in Lakewood, we understand that deciding whether or not to pursue Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy for your child is a difficult one. It’s important to recognize that ABA is not a “cure” for autism and its primary goal is not to make children appear “less autistic” or change who they are. Rather, ABA therapy seeks to improve communication skills, introduce productive habits, and reduce harmful behaviors. To help families make an informed decision, Kadiant provides a comprehensive guide to starting and ending ABA therapy.
At Kadiant in Lakewood, we understand the importance of ABA therapy, which can be a costly investment. We want to help ensure that you have access to this valuable therapy and that you get the most out of it. So, here’s our complete guide to everything you need to know about ABA therapy, including how much it costs, whether insurance covers it, and how to find the right provider.
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