At Joseph DaProcida, we specialize in special education impartial hearings and litigation. Our founder, Joe DaProcida, has been handling special education impartial hearings for 7 years and has over 30 years of experience as a successful litigator. Joe’s extensive professional background began as an NYC educator and was further shaped by his family’s 60 year-long advocacy for a disabled family member. Additionally, Joe served as a volunteer in a program for teens and young adults in Flushing Meadows Park, and as a licensed social studies teacher in New York City public high schools. As an attorney, Joe has worked for 14+ years at a multinational law firm handling securities-related investment disputes, as well as partnering with Advocates for Children – a free legal services provider for families of children with disabilities. All of this history and compassion informs our work at Joseph DaProcida, where we strive to provide quality representation for individuals with disabilities and their families.
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According to data collected from our therapies search website, there are 13 companies providing therapy services for children and adolescents in zip code 11375, 13 in Forest Hills, and 1621 across the state of New York.
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