Integrations Pediatric Therapy offers occupational therapy services specifically tailored to the individual needs of you and your family. Our experienced staff utilizes innovative techniques to provide research-backed therapies that are designed to help children of all ages reach their maximum potential. We recognize that parenting can be challenging and strive to provide a safe and supportive environment for parents and children alike. Our goal is to help your family develop the skills needed to meet the demands of everyday life. Our therapists are dedicated to helping your child reach their fullest potential, while also providing you with the guidance and support needed to make sure their progress is sustained. Our integrative approach to therapy ensures that your child is getting the best possible care.
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According to our search engine, there are currently 4 companies within zipcode 85028, 150 companies in Phoenix, and 893 companies in the entire state of Arizona that provide therapy services for children and adolescents.
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