Habilitative Systems, Incorporated (HSI) is a nationally-recognized human services agency that has been offering supportive programs to Chicago’s most vulnerable and disadvantaged residents for over 40 years. Located on the west-side of Chicago, HSI provides a continuum of care approach to serve people with a variety of health and human service needs. Our agency annually serves more than 7,000 people in the North Lawndale, West Garfield, Austin and Englewood communities. At HSI, we strive to develop innovative solutions to meet the needs of the people we serve and to create meaningful change in our communities.
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There are a total of 1577 companies providing therapy services for children and adolescents in the state of Illinois, with 10 companies located in zip code 60644, 285 companies located in Chicago, and 1297 companies located throughout the rest of the state. This information can be found on our therapies search website.
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