Ellen Arenberg, OTR is a female health care provider in Plantation, Florida with Pediatrics Occupational Therapy as her primary specialty. Mrs. Arenberg provides comprehensive and personalized pediatric occupational therapy services to help children reach their highest potential. She offers individualized assessments and treatment plans tailored to a child’s needs to help them gain independence, improve motor skills, and increase their overall success. Mrs. Arenberg has extensive experience in the field and is committed to providing quality care to her patients. Her passion for helping children reach their fullest potential is evident in her work and dedication. If your child requires occupational therapy services, contact Ellen Arenberg, OTR today and experience the difference she can make in your child’s life.
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According to our search results, there are 2 companies providing therapy services for children and adolescents in the state of Florida, specifically 135 in Fort Lauderdale and 2075 across the entire state.
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