Easter Seals of South Georgia in Camilla provides a wide range of community-based services for children and adults with developmental disabilities in 64 counties in Southern Georgia and 14 counties in North Florida. Our mission is to help people with disabilities achieve independence, self-determination, and reach their full potential. Our programs focus on providing support for independent living, self-sufficiency, and community inclusion. We offer specialized services such as job training, physical and occupational therapy, speech and language therapy, and more. Our team of dedicated professionals is committed to helping each individual reach their full potential and achieving greater independence. We strive to break down barriers, ensure access to life-changing services, and create opportunities for people with disabilities to participate in their community.
Children to adults
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According to our search engine, there are 1226 therapy services for children and adolescents in the state of Georgia. This includes two in the city of Camilla and two in zip code 31730.
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