Dr. Robin L. Morris, PsyD, MFT is dedicated to helping infants, children, and adolescents develop their full potential. We offer comprehensive evaluations to provide diagnostic clarification, gifted and talented assessments, assessments of home, community, or school programs, and the review of appropriateness of home and school goals. Our clinical team also creates life skill and academic goals, and provides therapy for social skills, adaptive living skills, anxiety, parent training, attention and executive functioning, physical or sexual abuse, and eating disorders. We also provide advocacy services, collaboration with other treating providers, review of records, psycho-vocational assessments, and educational testing for adults who may require accommodations or modifications. With our expertise and experience, we are committed to providing superior quality care that meets the unique needs of each individual.
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In the state of California, there are a total of 3911 companies providing therapy services for children and adolescents listed on our therapies search website. Of those, 13 are located in zip code 92691, and 15 are situated in Mission Viejo.
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