At Disability Services of the Southwest (DSSW), we are dedicated to providing top-tier support services to people with disabilities and the elderly in the state of Texas. Our services include personal attendant services, nursing and therapies, home modification, adaptive aids, job coaching, and supported employment – all of which are licensed by the state. Additionally, we offer Community Living Assistance and Support Services (CLASS), Consumer Directed Services (CDS), and Deaf-Blind with Multiple Disabilities (DBMD), as well as private pay care for the elderly and people with disabilities. Established in 1993, DSSW is one of the largest providers of support services in Texas and continues to strive for excellence in providing the best care possible.
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In Texas, there are 2484 therapy services providers for children and adolescents listed on our therapies search website, with 76107 zip code having 7 companies and Fort Worth having 60.
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