Community Options – San Antonio is a national agency committed to promoting the inclusion of people with disabilities in the community through person-centered and natural supports. Our comprehensive range of services includes residential services, day programs, social enterprises that employ individuals with disabilities, high school transition programs, and specialized programs for respite and medically fragile adults. Furthermore, we collaborate with local community partners to increase accessibility to these services.
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Our therapies search website has 2484 companies providing therapy services for children and adolescents throughout Texas, of which 234 are located in San Antonio and 4 are located in zip code 78215.
At Community Options – San Antonio, we understand how important it is to provide the right kind of speech therapy for your child. If your child is autistic, speech therapy is almost always recommended to help them with social communication. Speech therapy can help your child with important communication skills such as responding to questions, starting and ending conversations, changing conversation topics, understanding body language, and using gestures like pointing. Early intervention is critical for language development, so it is important to start speech therapy as soon as possible. If your child is quiet, has difficulty speaking, or doesn’t speak at all, it may be time to look into speech therapy. Our guide has everything you need to know about speech therapy and how it can help your child grow into a more confident individual.
At Community Options – San Antonio, our speech therapy professionals focus on helping your child communicate effectively with others. We strive to assist with things like nonverbal skills, forming speech in a clearer way, communicating thoughts and feelings, discerning facial expressions, understanding body language, feeding and swallowing, and even stuttering. Our team of experienced speech therapists is dedicated to helping your child reach their full potential and become a strong communicator!
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